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The Ultimate Creativity Guide for Dummies

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” (Leo Burnett).

Creativity is often seen as a mysterious and elusive trait. Some believe it’s something you’re born with, while others wish they could add it to their list of New Year’s resolutions. Regardless of its origins, creativity can be managed and harnessed. But what does it mean to manage creativity? Design students, in particular, understand the pressure of being creative on a deadline. The stress of trying to conjure inspiration under the pressure of time can be overwhelming. Writer’s blocks and lack of inspiration always seem to strike at the worst possible times, but there are ways to navigate these challenges.

Time Management

The first step in managing your creativity is to establish a schedule and stick to it. Time management is crucial in creative tasks with deadlines. Creative inspiration doesn’t always come when you want it, so that last-minute all-nighter you were planning may not be a good idea. Minimize interruptions when you’re working on a creative project, and try to stay focused. Knowing your peak productivity times is also essential. If you’re most energetic in the morning, attempting to work late at night may not yield the best results. And don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep; exhausted minds often have diminished cognitive abilities.

Recharge and Take Breaks

The second strategy is to recharge yourself and take breaks when you feel unable to produce results. Understand that pushing yourself too hard can adversely affect your creativity. On days when you face a relentless creative block, distract your mind with other activities and return to the task when you feel refreshed. Another way to overcome creative blocks is by having a clear understanding of the desired end result. When you focus on what you want to achieve, the process becomes clearer, and you can come up with the right questions to find the needed answers.

Embrace Critique

Lastly, it’s crucial for people in creative fields to remember that their work can always be improved. Being open to criticism and rejection is essential and should not demotivate you. All critique should be taken positively, as it offers an opportunity to enhance your work.


With design and creative tasks, there’s often no single right or wrong way to approach things. Do what you think helps you unleash your creativity and be the amazing designer you are meant to be.

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