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Promoting Heathcare through technology

In our contemporary society, prioritizing health is of utmost importance. Traditionally, individuals seeking to assess their health had to visit a doctor in person, which proved to be inconvenient and time-consuming. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, an increasing number of health check apps have emerged. Notably, our partner, HealthVista, offers an app enabling users to monitor their daily health.

  • —   Digital Strategy
  • —   User Experience
  • —   Responsive Design
  • —   Intuitive Content Management
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A Revolution in Healthcare Service

The Aldoric team is committed to delivering top-notch services to our customers through a seamlessly designed interface and a functional mobile platform. Our mobile app is designed to offer healthcare services comparable to an in-person visit to the doctor. It features various screens catering to different services, enabling users to book a doctor, receive advice, and even access home services. Aldoric aims to convey that HealthVista is more than just a mobile app providing healthcare services; it serves as an interconnected link between our partner and their customers.

Explore the Three Vital App Screens

In support of HealthVista’s business objectives, Aldoric aims to integrate its services and enhance customer experience through our mobile app. Collaboratively, we can derive mutual benefits from our shared platform. Aldoric understands the core value of HealthVista’s business case, we know what they want to bring to their customers. Therefore, Aldoric has designed a mobile app with three screens with unique characteristics.

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Instant Access to Healthcare

The first screen of our app serves as a registration hub where users can seamlessly register with a doctor. Notably, it allows users to articulate their health concerns, enabling the app to store valuable data that is subsequently shared with HealthVista’s medical professionals. This data-driven approach ensures that HealthVista’s doctors have comprehensive insights into users’ health profiles, facilitating more personalized and effective healthcare recommendations. This user-friendly feature exemplifies our commitment to providing a holistic and integrated healthcare experience.

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Expert Health Guidance

The Aldoric team is committed to delivering expert health guidance through our innovative mobile platform. After users register their health problems on the first screen, the second screen provides access to tailored advice from experienced doctors. This feature ensures that users receive personalized recommendations to address their health concerns effectively.

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Healthcare at Your Doorstep

Following the registration of health problems and access to expert health guidance on the first two screens, our app’s third and final screen serves as a vital space for users in need of healthcare at home. On this screen, users have the capability to request a doctor to their residence in case of emergencies or urgent needs. Aldoric’s collaboration with VistaHealth aims to seamlessly connect users with healthcare professionals, fostering a holistic and responsive approach to healthcare delivery.

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User-friendly App

Ensuring accessibility is our foremost priority at Aldoric. We are dedicated to crafting an app that is easily navigable for all users. Our focus on user-friendliness is especially meaningful for the elderly, for whom going out may be inconvenient. By providing a seamless and user-centric experience, we aim to empower the elderly population to effortlessly access healthcare services, promoting their well-being and making a positive impact on their quality of life. The Aldoric app stands as a testament to our dedication to inclusivity in healthcare.

Safeguarding User Privacy

With the HeathVista platform, Aldoric commits to protecting user privacy by employing state-of-the-art encryption technologies and adopting industry best practices for data protection. We are transparent about our data usage policies, providing users with clear and concise information on how their information is collected, stored, and utilized within the app. Aldoric is dedicated to fostering a secure and respectful environment, empowering users to engage with HealthVista’s healthcare services platform while maintaining the highest standards of privacy protection.

Visual Identity

Our app’s visual identity is a cornerstone of our design philosophy. It encapsulates the essence of our healthcare onboarding solution, setting it apart in a crowded landscape. The visual identity is characterized by a carefully curated color palette that evokes a sense of trust and well-being. Our choice of typography strikes a balance between professionalism and approachability, ensuring that users find the content easy to read and connect with. Custom illustrations and graphics enrich the user experience, making it not only informative but also engaging. This attention to detail has had a significant impact, fostering recognition, trust, and ultimately contributing to the success of our healthcare onboarding app.

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At the heart of our work lies a passion for innovation and a commitment to making healthcare onboarding a seamless journey. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our app screens and visual identity with you. If you have any questions or would like to explore how we can collaborate to bring your healthcare solutions to life, we’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for visiting our portfolio, and we look forward to connecting with you.

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