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How to create a good Mission Statement?

Every successful business seems to have gotten one part down, that to be successful you need a mission and a darn good one! In the words of the search giant Google, its mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. They could have kept it something simple like “to be the best search engine” but that would have been too narrow scoped and, I think we can all agree, does not sound even half as cool.

Social media success Twitters mission statement is “To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers” and Sony aims “To be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity”. Thus it becomes clear that the one thing common to all these examples from successful businesses is that their mission statement is clear, broad, isn’t limited to what the company does, and reflects the core values of the company.

The Importance of a Clear Mission Statement

Now that we’ve seen how companies like Google, Twitter, and Sony have excelled with their mission statements, it’s crucial to understand the significance of having a clear and broad mission statement. This statement serves as the guiding star for your business, and it should encapsulate your core values and purpose.

Creating Your Mission Statement

So, here is how you can create the perfect mission statement for your company. First and foremost, to come up with a good mission statement, begin by asking the right questions. These include what the company does, who are your customers, and what image do you want your company to have. Once you have gathered this information, you can form a clearer mental image of your company’s purpose which you can translate into your mission statement.

Then when you sit down to write the mission statement, remember language has a huge impact so select vibrant and dynamic words. The words chosen must also represent the essence of your company. However, too much verbosity is also not required as it may confuse people of your main aim. You must also make sure that the mission statement is not too narrow and encompasses more than your product but rather shows how you are contributing to the world. Lastly, make sure that it provides a clear direction and makes the purpose of your business clear.


Now that you have the basics down, go ahead and write an amazing mission statement for an even better business. A well-crafted mission statement can set the course for your company’s success, just like the examples we’ve explored.

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